Wisdom tooth extraction is a procedure that removes one or more wisdom teeth. The wisdom tooth comprises the four permanent adult teeth that are located at the back corners of your mouth on the top and bottom.
If the wisdom tooth doesn’t get the space to grow then the wisdom tooth that is affected will face several dental problems. To get relief from pain and other dental problems that your impacted wisdom tooth can face, then wisdom tooth extraction can be performed by a dentist pr an expert oral surgeon.
Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to appear in the mouth at the age of 17 and 25. Many people never develop wisdom teeth but others erupt normally. There are cases when many people develop impacted wisdom teeth due to not getting enough room for the growth of wisdom teeth.
Impacted wisdom teeth may erupt only partially or not at all.
An impacted wisdom tooth may:
It becomes really necessary to get your wisdom tooth pulled off if the listed problem occurs.
Your dentist or any oral surgeon who is treating may use one of the three types of Anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the wisdom tooth extraction surgery.
Your dentist or oral surgeon administers local anesthesia with one or more injections near the site of each extraction. Before you receive an injection, your dentist or surgeon will likely apply a substance to your gums to numb them so that you shouldn’t experience any pain.
This is another type of anesthesia that your dentist or oral surgeon gives you sedation anesthesia through an intravenous (IV) line in your arm. Sedation anesthesia suppresses your consciousness during the procedure so that you do not feel any pain.
In some situations, you may be offered this anesthesia by your dentist. You may inhale medication through your nose or have an IV line in your arm, or both. After losing consciousness your surgical team closely monitors your medication, breathing, temperature, fluids, and blood pressure.
With the help of this, you will not feel pain and will not remember the procedure.
Wisdom tooth extraction saves you from unnecessary pain that you face because of an impacted wisdom tooth. Reach out to your nearest dentist and get a wisdom tooth extraction from the dentist or a surgeon. To know more about it contact Thousand Oak Dentistry and schedule an appointment.
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